Sunday, December 31, 2017

Moving to Wordpress

For the time being I will be moving to Wordpress.  I do not plan to delete this blog and I may return to it at some point, but for now I will be moving forward there instead.  I will still read/respond to comments left here.

On WP I have split things into two blogs, one of which covers personal posts and D/s and Femdom writing.  The other is where I will host my erotica, drawings, and posts centered around fur and forced feminization. 

Wordpress blogs can be followed through the Blogger reader.  I have whipped up a step by step set of instructions if you are not familiar with the process and would like to keep following me.

From the Blogger Reading list, click the edit button:

 Click Add:

Paste in the URL of the Wordpress Blog and click next:

The URLs are as follows:
For D/s, personal posts, etc.:

For erotica, drawings, fur, and forced feminization:

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through the contact form.