I will never be enough. How could someone ever want someone like me?
These thoughts fall at the core of my being. They are the horrific reality that drives me.
Most people don't think this way. They have at some point had someone there for them, proving that they were okay. Proving that they were enough. Proving that they deserved happiness and the things they wanted. Proving that they could feel secure with themselves. All it takes is one to quiet the nagging doubts within.
Unfortunately the experiences of my vanilla self did not have this. Rather than proof, it simply added to the doubts. I am not pretty. I am too short. I don't project the right kind of confidence.
I have written before that in many ways the birth of my submissive self was heavily rooted within compensating for everything that I am not. I have strengths, but they never seemed to matter until I became a submissive. My strengths and desperation made me into a very good submissive. They made me enough to be chosen.
However, to this day I have never been chosen for who I am. When I am chosen it is because of who I am willing to be. I am willing to be anything and everything. I am willing to be nothing. I am good at this. This is what has made me acceptable.
I will act with effort. I will endure. I will improve. I will perfect. I will be broken. This is how I have learned to show love.
This is my identity. This is how I have come to accept myself. This is how I have come to like myself. This is where I have pride.
I have spent most of my life insecure and confused. As such, it becomes very important to me to understand myself. It becomes absolutely paramount for me to be able to adequately express who I am and what makes me tick. I crave labels because it gives a name to what I am. They validate me.
This is how I accept myself.
I am not enough unless I am willing to __________.
As a number of blogging
friends that I know are also currently experiencing depression, seasonal
or otherwise, I was asked to write on this topic. The person in
question went from basically… being horny and having many orgasms each
day to complete loss of desire that has lasted over a week. The
question they wanted answered was if the loss of desire was due to loss
of interest or depression.
The answer I have: It is depression.
I’ve been to more therapists than I can remember their names. One of
the questions they ask, often in the first 5-10 minutes of the first
meeting if you are feeling depressed is: how is your sex drive?
They ask this in couples therapy as well.
Loss of sex drive is one of the big tipoffs for many and it is especially noticeable when it involves a drastic change.
Since everyone has different things going on, I will just share how
my process works in regards to this as it may lead to some observations
that are applicable for others.
My own arousal is completely intertwined with feelings of
submission. I do not get aroused without being in or thinking about D/s
in some way. If I am aroused I am feeling submissive. If I am feeling
submissive I am aroused.
The first thing that makes me aware that I have depression setting in
is the inability for me to access my submissive mental space. For me,
feeling submissive is a state of ultimate vulnerability where my heart
is pulled to the surface and I am unable to avoid or hide my feelings.
As I have been dealing with depression for 30+ years and finally
found a sustainable means of coping in the past 10 years, I have come to
learn quite a bit about the process. I refer to the effects of my
depression as my “demons.” They are basically impulses, thoughts, and
feelings that creep into my head and begin to respond to random triggers
and fill me with an impulse of negativity and pain.
One of note was when a friend and I were at a restaurant (I was 20)
and she was coloring on the menu with a purple crayon and made a
reference to Harold. This was a reference to a children’s book that I
cherished from my youth, called Harold and the Purple Crayon. I
probably read it and had it read to me well over 100 times from the
ages of 2-4 and it carried with it many happy memories of the innocence
of youth and times where I was protected from the world that regularly
harmed me. I also remember when I was made to give it away at age 5. I
had planned to keep it forever and read it to my children. Taking it
away from me was a betrayal and it left me devastated (that same day I
was forced to give up a number of precious childhood keepsakes). This
event triggered me to relive the moments of lost innocence and it was a
pivotal moment in my life when sentimental value ceased to exist for
me. I relived feeling a part of my heart die and I was overwhelmed with
pain at realizing I hated being alive and carrying all of this pain.
While not every trigger is as strong as this one was, they happen
enough to make life… feel not good. I have since learned to “shrug off”
the impulses, but it doesn’t stop me from having them. During my
depression, this will happen anywhere from 1 to 200 times a day, with
the worse the depression is the more often it happens.
My coping mechanism is to try and keep myself busy and occupied.
Keep my brain thinking about unimportant things. These are the times
where I might watch 75 episodes of a TV or anime series in a week. In
turn, my heart closes off. My feelings dull and get numb. If I feel
anything, it is living vicariously through whatever I am doing or
As this happens, my sex drive shuts off. It’s not like I don’t want
to do intimate and sexual things, but it is that I am unable feel
vulnerable. When I am not vulnerable, I do not feel submissive.
Without feeling submissive, I do not get aroused. Without arousal I
have no sex drive. In times like now, where I do not have D/s in my day
to day home life it leaves me stuck and blocked.
That being said, my vulnerability can be forced open in the presence
of dominance. It requires an incredibly strict and harsh form of
dominance, but it can in fact rip down my walls and keep me in a
submissive and aroused state.
Hopefully this description will help them answer their question.