Tuesday, May 16, 2017


I'd been sort of teetering on the edge of a mood plunge lately.  A balancing game that finally tipped in a bad way.  There was no one factor, just a combination of many that finally accumulated and now I feel like shit.

I haven't felt like writing and not sure when I will.  I also don't feel like forcing it.

I do have plans to get back to some fiction in the near future and at least finish up the current arc of fs01.  I have notes made for the plot progression, it's just a matter of getting the right mindset to finish it.


  1. I send a hug. If you want to talk you know how to find me.

    1. Thank you, Miss Lily.

      I hope you are doing well.

      Take care.

  2. The thing that works best for me is to just go for a walk, play with my dogs, work out or something like that. At least I know I'm doing something good for my body, which often will also help my mind. Hope you feel better. :)

    1. Thank you, Vanessa.

      Unfortunately since I wrote this a major complication got added into the mix. On the upside I am finding ways to distract my mind and keep it occupied. On the downside until I have some clarity on the situation, that method is absolutely necessary.

      Take care.
