Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Fiction: fs01 - Cassandra's Blog Bonus Chapter: Love

Author’s Note: This bonus chapter is a mock Question and Answer session done by Cassandra on her blog. It could take place at any time.


Cassandra’s Blog Bonus Chapter - Q & A: Love

Dear Ms. C.

When I read about what you do to your sub I can’t believe that he doesn’t hate you. You say that you love him but I don’t believe it. I don’t see how a man would put up with a woman who is so bitchy and mean to him.

-The Man

Normally I reserve “Question and Answer” to answer questions, but every few months I receive some variation of this statement and today I felt like addressing the topic. To put it create a question worth answering. I will rephrase this into: If you love your sub how can you be so cruel to him?

I am cruel to my sub because I love him. I love him dearly. I love him so much that I spent years carefully crafting an environment and system of dynamics that keep him completely under my thumb. He is the only man I desire in my life. He is wonderful and obedient. He gives all of himself to me and loves me with his entire being.

My sub thrives under cruelty and control. The more unfair the circumstances, the more he rises to the occasion. I press him to bring out the best in him and he rarely disappoints. He feels good and proud knowing that I help him reach his potential. He is absolutely happy knowing that I shape him into the form I desire most. He is special. Lots of subs talk the talk but so few will give themselves like he does. I love him absolutely and cannot picture my life without him.

That being said, I am careful in the amount of positive attention that I give him. If he feels that he can easily please me he will grow lazy. If he feels that he will be able to completely satisfy me he will lose the emphatic fervor that drives him. While he knows that I love him, it is when he fears that I may find a reason to make him suffer that I see his best effort. Seeing this from him makes me happy and he is happy when he pleases me.

I think it would be more cruel if I were to stop our dynamics. Since I love him, I would never wish that upon him.



  1. A perfect answer from the lovely Cass. Many people simply do not understand the dynamic at all, and I'm not certain that it's not a matter of "If you have to ask about this, you're just never going to understand it". You either get it, or you don't, but Cass certainly makes a bold attempt at spreading some light on the matter. I'm sure that fiction fur would agree.

    1. Thank you, Lady Grey.

      This topic is an interesting one since it is able to be misunderstood from both sides. I'm pretty certain that fiction fur would agree with her assessment :)

      Unfortunately I am still struggling to channel him but getting Cass's headspace is proving much easier. I do hope that these will end up being a fun supplement to the work as a whole.

      Take care.

    2. I'm enjoying the Cass Q&A. Short and to the point with much to think about. I'm surprised you're not getting more response for these little gems. Where did everybody go???

    3. Thank you, Lady Grey. I am glad that you enjoy them.

      I am not sure where people have gone. A couple of readers I mostly correspond with via email now as opposed to comments. I know that Google has been actually neglecting Blogger in the search engine optimization and certain topics of mine actually sink my showing up on search engines. Aside from that I don't really know.

      Take care.

    4. We are here - reading and rereading your posts, thinking and rethinking every sentence, every thought you put in your blog. I, for myself, (almost) always open my computer starting from your side. But not everyone has a talent and the courage of Lady Grey to comment publicly on these fascinating but very personal matters. You and Lady Grey (and few others) are real gems in our blogsphere. Thank you for your time and effort.
      Your regular reader and supporter - Peter.

    5. Thank you very much for writing, Peter.

      I always love to hear from readers. If there's ever anything you would like to read more of or have me elaborate on, feel free to ask. I am always looking for more ideas to write about.

      Take care and thank you for writing.

  2. Heart warming, lovesome loyalty. Respect.
    Glad you make and share.
