Friday, July 29, 2016

My Subspace

There exists a place where the demons fall silent.  Their voices are replaced with a definitive sense of purpose, a sense of belonging, incredible motivation, and deep and passionate feelings of love, devotion, and adoration.  This is the realm that makes sense.  The chaos calms as I adhere solely to her will.  I exist for her benefit.  I exist for her pleasure.  I exist for her happiness.  These feelings sustain me.  I do not question the methods, I endure the hardships, each hurdle making me feel more deserving... like I have earned more... like I can become more in her eyes.  It feels like my soul is not my own and my core burns with a single purpose: to love her with everything that I am. 

These are the thoughts and feelings that resonate in my heart and in my head.  This is my subspace. 

(If this post seems oddly out of place I am writing these words to describe something to someone and I figured it would work as a post instead of keeping it private).


  1. It gives me great joy to read this! This is beautiful. I love that your subspace is a place where your demons fall silent and your world becomes more calm. I also want to say that Lady whom gaines your admiration on this level is lucky to have a sub like you! I love this post!

    1. Thank you, Miss Lily. I am glad you like it.

  2. Very nice, fur. I let my husband read it and he just smiled and said "Yes, he understands".

    1. Thank you, Lady Grey. I am also glad to have earned Karl's endorsement as well.

      Take care.

  3. I'm glad you didn't keep it private. They are very touching words!
