Saturday, October 21, 2017

Thoughts on Rational vs. Irrational

Originally Written: 10/18/17
I always find it amusing to ponder my lifestyle choices.  I consider submission an absolute NEED for me because so much of it focused around irrational decisions that I willingly make to satiate the need.
It’s common when talking about D/s for me to reference submission as being irrational.  People tend to battle me on this statement but I stand by my reasoning.  Everyone has needs and desires, likes and dislikes, and frequently some vision of what they view their perfect life as being like (both with and without a winning the lottery fantasy).

Dominance, I believe is perfectly rational.  You know what you want, you pursue what you want, you enact rules and protocols to ensure you get what you want.  This absolutely makes all of the sense in the world to me.  I mean, really, if you were a dominant, you could order your sub to perform as a service top, and have it carried out in an idealized fantasy way.

By submitting in lifestyle D/s, you disempower yourself.  You lose options.  You lose the freedom to make certain choices.  You lose the ability to control much of what happens. It is no longer up to you.  So the reasoning goes, if you have an idea of what you want and how you would like things to be, giving up the control over whether or not life resembles that idea is irrational.

Unless… your desire is to have no power… and that idealized life you think about is the absence of choices and freedom.  In this case, it is closer to rational.

However, I know many many subs that have a strong preference for the “do me” type of activities over service activities and they do not wish to give up the power to have those things happen.  In these types of cases, the choice does in fact seem irrational.

I know that some may counter this idea with “it gets me off” or “it doesn’t get me off,” but that becomes more a matter of sexuality


  1. As "BIG SISTER" might say (apologies to George Orwell) "disempowerment = freedom". It just depends on your point of view, right? Of course, we're talking about D/s here, not types of government. I'm sure that should be clear, right fur?

    1. Thank you, Lady Grey. This gave me quite a chuckle :)
